HOMF026 - Ataraxy / Superror Split C44
Ataraxy’s track “Lebenswasser” starts off with a gentle buzzing, a low hiss that might have you cranking your volume to really feel this track. Without any hesitation or warning though, your swarmed with blasts of aggressive noise. This track eventually reaches a point of thick & textural rumbling, with a few layers all blending together for a pretty barebones harsh noise track. Washes of abrasive static sway in and out between the more low-end chunkiness of this track. Approaching the halfway mark, chaos unfolds as sporadic assaults of various textures clash with each other relentlessly. This track stays true to its formula of riding along on a bassy wall with crunchy static scratching through, interspersed with freak-out style moments of madness. Nearing the final stretches of this track, it starts to work its way towards a more ambient grittiness. It’s not long before it’s brought back into a gradually increasing wall of fuzz, as thick, rumbly, and scratchy as its been. The final moments don’t give in, beating you with a final attempt at total aural discombobulation.
Superror’s track “Elementarquell” starts off sounding like what you would maybe expect to be hearing upon getting abducted by extraterrestrial life. Before you’ve even been sucked into the machine, you already begin to hear all of the surgical equipment and machinery they’ll be using to put you through trials unknown to man. This track has a really nice balance of high-pitched feedback, aggressively screaming in the background behind all the beeping, buzzing, and spraying of modulations that are going on in the meantime. This track has a lot going on and is sure to keep you mentally distraught the whole way through. We haven’t even reached the halfway mark yet, and already this track has gone all over the place. There’s countless sounds piercing you in this track. Good swashes of noise, I can just picture the various knobs twisting uncontrollably without any rhyme or reason. By the end of this track, it is total war. Firing from all sides surrounds you. At this point, you can’t even tell the difference between friend or foe. Fight for your life, no matter who it is you’re shooting at. The end is near anyways.